Main BoardMoncler 2012 Inside Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok B

29.10.2012, 21:25 - cartier6h - Rank 5 - 204 Posts
Michael Kors Bags,Inside Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok Books like From Hell and Damage DoneInside Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok
Books like From Hell and Damage Done, shine an eerie light on the Thai prison system from the view of former foreign inmates,Moncler 2012. Western prisoners are a rarity in Thai prison but they spread a message of cruelty, abuse and pain. There is a Swiss citizen in the Klong Prem Jail (the correctional institution for drug addicts) called Oliver O.* and he just arrived a short while ago. He faces several years in this Thai jail for selling exctasy before he might be expatriated to Switzerland in order to serve the remaining sentence in Switzerland. The Swiss Embassy in Bangkok was so helpful and friendly to tell us his name and the prison so we could visit him. Arriving at the jail we were surprised by the cheerful and efficient atmosphere of the prison,Michael Kors Online Outlet. Everyone helped us to find our way around and process the paperwork,Inside Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok Books like From Hell and Damage Done. The officer at the counter told us in which building Oliver is and with a copy of our passports we received a visit-permission. After waiting about one hour the loudspeakers announced that we, together with about 60 Thais,Inside Klong Prem Prison in Bangkok Books like From Hell and Damage Done, were allowed in. We deposited our bags in a locker and were searched by guards casually. Then we walked through a pleasant little garden and were let into a right-angled corridor with benches and separated by heavily meshed windows with bars. We were lucky because there were not that many prisoners and visitors and so we quickly found Oliver in his light brown baggy shirt and pants. He told us that if the visiting corridor is too full one can hardly hear his own word.
We quickly sat down on the bench ogling through the upper part of the window which was covered with Plexiglas and solid bars in order to try to see Oliver properly. Having never met before we introduced ourselves quickly and Oliver started to tell his story of visiting Thailand many times and finally being caught with Ecstasy. He told us about the life in prison, the over-crowded cells, the ten un-sanitized toilets for 500 prisoners, the dragging-on of his process and his reliance on water and food from outside. For example a volunteer from the Swiss embassy visits him every week and brings water while the Swiss embassy referred him a lawyer. He is currently the only Swiss in the prison together with a French guy, a Belgian guy,michael kors online outlet, two Iranians and a few Africans. The other prisoners are Thais with whom he cannot talk with because he cannot speak Thai. And he told us that the regular prison food is indigestible.
The prison operates a shop and visitors can buy food and daily goods from the shop operated by prisoners soon to be released. We asked Oliver what he needs and he told us fish, rice, Milo, a thermos bottle and some cash in his prison-account. After fifteen minutes of talking the horn went off and soon he marched out with the other prisoners,Marc Jacobs Sale. Alex, Goga and I agreed that Oliver did not look good and we felt gloomy, mulling over what he said. Outside the prison, in the bright sunlight and surrounded by green trees and singing birds, we went to the prison shop and bought the requested items and paid some money in his prison-account. Oliver also asked us the call the girl-friend of his Belgian fellow-inmate Paul*, Sandy*, in order to tell her that Paul has no money left and is starving in the prison. I called her and explained to her that Paul needs her and especially some money. Sandy only spoke poor English and she mistook me for another "friend" of hers, asking me when I will visit Bangkok again. I fear that she will not visit Paul again.