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In the study, "If we don‟t begin to see more listings coming from owners who have the particular equity to put their homes on the market, prices regarding increasingly rare non-distressed listings seem likely to quit falling soon, just due to basic demand and supply. Of course, that claim results in the big ques- tion: howsoon?" Despite the fact that supply and demand are the major drivers of the real estate market, prices seem to react to these inputs along with ice-age speed. When the bubble was inflating, that took over a year associated with declining sales and also increasing inventory just before prices peaked and commenced to fall, and even though on-market inven- tory has been declining since mid-2008,, the slow recovery of sales and also a shift in psychology out of the house ownershiphas delayed the turnaround of prices (and this isn‟t actually considering all the federal government intervention!) As Calculated Risk recently pointed out, home prices are not far beyond their historic levels,
10154, although it‟s a pretty safe bet that we‟ll possess a bit of an overshoot on the downside, followed by at least a few years of flat prices (which is down when inflation will be factored in).