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  • Personal Info
Nickname: HeribertoMcNally
Status: offline
Usertitle: Rank 1
Contact: n/a
Real Name: Dian McClusky
Gender: female
Age: 1970-11-19 (54 years)
Location: New Zealand Gordevio
Registered since: 12.03.2022 - 06:20
Last Login: 12.03.2022 - 06:30

  • About
What are the ten most important turning points
in Hawaii's history?

First and foremost, let me state unequivocally that the "history" of Hawaii I'm discussing
here began in 1778, with Western contact. The Hawaiians
used chants to record events such as births, funerals, fights, and
wins. But until Captain James Cook arrived, none of it was recorded.

And that would be the most important turning moment of all.
Cook's discovery of a fleet of islands in the middle of the Pacific impacted the lives of the
people who lived there.

For the first time, those people realised that other lands existed in actual time, not simply in legends passed down through generations.
In terms of look, language, and culture, the people who
lived in those previously unknown foreign regions were distinct.

Oh, and the Hawaiians discovered that those people had a whole new set
of unknown diseases, which would decimate the Hawaiian people over the next hundred years, reducing their
number to about a tenth of what it had been when Cook arrived.

The unification of the islands by Kamehameha, the ambitious
Hawaii Island leader who defeated Maui Chief Kahekili's army to seize control
of Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and eventually, Oahu in 1795, would
be the next major turning point. Kamehameha never conquered Kauai, but he
did take control of the island through an arrangement with the chief.
Each island would no longer be the fief of a local chief; instead,
they would all belong to one nation.

The death of Kamehameha in 1819 would be the third turning point.
As Hawaii learned to deal with an invasion of profit-hungry outsiders, his courage and intelligence had kept things under control.

The two sons that succeeded him, as is so often the case, lacked
his strength and discernment and succumbed to the superior power of outside influence.
Soon, chiefs desiring Western products wrested control of the
lucrative sandalwood market, and the mountainsides were stripped of their bounty to pay for chiefs' baubles.

The overturning of the kapu system is number
four. Queens Kaahumanu and Keopuolani used the death of their mutual husband,
Kamehameha, to destabilise the system that had regulated their people's civic, social, and religious lives for millennia.
According to legend, this is the first time in history that
a people has rejected their own religion.

Number five: The missionaries had perfect timing.
They arrived in Hawaii only a few months after the kapu was deposed.
They discovered a population that were disorganised and depressed, having
suffered losses as a result of Western sickness, their chiefs'
greed, and the collapse of their old religion. It was an open field for missionaries,
and Hawaii became a Christian land quite quickly.

Number six: Beginning in 1848, the Mahele introduced Western-style private property ownership to the islands, leaving many native Hawaiians without land in which to call

Number seven: The overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by white businessmen in 1893 put an end to over 2000 years of rule by Polynesian forebears who had
inhabited these islands. The new rulers built a Western-style republic to
buy time until they could persuade the US to accept
them as refugees.

Annexation is number eight. Those who wanted and orchestrated the overthrow surrendered the Republic to the United States
in 1898. It was now known as the Hawaiian Territory.

Number nine: The military took control of the islands after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, exposing Hawaii to thousands of US Mainland service
members and sending Hawaii's sons to foreign regions.
For these secluded, rural islands, nothing
would ever be the same.

Number ten: In 1959, the state was granted statehood.
These islands in the middle of the sea are now part of the
world's most powerful nation, a far-flung outpost of military might and the stuff of
romantic fantasies all across the world.

Also visit my blog Honokaa Hall

  • Clan / Equipment
Clan: McClusky (23)
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Clan-History: WorldsMostDeadly
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